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Today there is porridge with cooked plums and g …


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Today, there are porridge with cooked plums and roasted almonds.
Have you ever tried roasted almonds with Xucker light?
So delicious ?
Recipe for the porridge:
100 ml of water
200 ml almond milk
50 g of tender oatmeal
1 tablespoon chopped nuts
20 g of melted flakes
Creamy Hazelnut Flavordrops @ got7nutrition
, ▪Pour oatmeal, melted flakes, flavordrops, milk and water into a small saucepan and bring to a boil while stirring. Reduce the heat and simmer the porridge for a few minutes until creamy. Occasionally stir, so that nothing burns.
Then wash and corer the plums (2-3 pieces). Then simmer together with 1 tbsp Xucker light for a few minutes. If you want to have the sauce thicker, just add a bit of starch.
For the roasted almonds, caramelise the Xucker light in a non-stick pan and then add the almonds. Stir and let cool. CAUTION .. They are extremely hot!
I wish you a nice day ?
With the code Magic10 you save 10% when shopping @ got7nutrition



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Hatice Demir

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