Sweet Deals

Good morning lovelys . Advertising | #butfirstcoffee and chocolate snails for breakfast …

Good morning lovelys . Advertising | #butfirstcoffee and chocolate snails for breakfast …


Good morning you love ❤️. Advertising | #butfirstcoffee and chocolate snails for breakfast.
I still had puff pastry in the fridge and as always I could not decide between pizza, cinnamon and chocolate ?
In the end, it became chocolate snails.
Since there are only 2 ingredients I found it quite appropriate ?.
In addition a cup of latte, so we would drink again on the subject ?.
I pimped my coffee with the great SPICE 4 COFFEE spices @hartkorn_gewuerze for the icing on the cake. I like to have some cinnamon or cardamom in my morning coffee. What I find super practical is that you have 4 spices in a can. Also perfect for traveling.
How do you like to drink your coffee? ☕

So now to my snails:
Everyone has seen them at least 2373 times, but for one thing or another, it does not matter ?. You need:
1 roll of puff pastry, I think it's in the light version and a chocolate spread.
At the end I brushed it with a beaten egg (without milk).
But you do not have to. Roll out puff pastry, cut into slices and place in the oven for 12 min at 180 °. ? small tip:
If you roll up the roll and then put it in the freezer for 10 minutes, you'll be easier cutting.
You do not look so squeezed out.

If the spices @hartkorn_gewuerze
you can save 20% on all spices with the code Magic_HK20.

Have a nice day ?. # puff pastry # puff pastries # chocolate breakfast #chocolate #chocolate #blitzrecipe # fast food #snack #fingerfood #partysnacks #simplybabies #simple recipes #backrecipes #recipes #balanceisthekey #cooffeetime # breakfast ideas #back love #backingmind #cooking #bake #foodphotography #feedfeed



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