Vegan Meals

Go check out @plantfuture! When you sign up to the bootcamp you also get a free …

Go check out @plantfuture! When you sign up to the bootcamp you also get a free …


Go check out @plantfuture! When you sign up to the bootcamp you also get a free 28 day personalised meal plan. Link in bio 🙂 ~ INGREDIENTS:⠀
– 1 onion, chopped finely -⠀
– 2 cloves garlic, minced⠀
– Small sprig of fresh oregano or 1 tsp dried⠀
– 2 tomatoes, chopped⠀
– 100g green beans, cut in half⠀
– 200g long grain rice, washed⠀
– 1 veg stock cube⠀
– 80g frozen peas⠀
– 6 vegan sausages, cooked & cut into quarters⠀
– 50g spring onion, chopped⠀
– Small handful of fresh parsley, chopped⠀
– 2 tbsp olive oil⠀
– Salt & pepper to taste⠀
1. In a large pan, heat the olive oil and fry the onion, garlic & oregano until the onion is soft.⠀
2. Season with salt & pepper then add the tomato and cook for a further 3 minutes. ⠀
3. Add the green beans, washed rice & veg stock cube. Cover the rice with water so it’s just covers the rice.⠀
4. Bring to the boil then cover with a lid a simmer for 15 minutes.⠀
5. Remove the lid then add the peas & cooked vegan sausage. Mix well.⠀
6. To serve add the spring onion & parsley, ENJOY! .




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Hatice Demir

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