Food Minimalist

Ginger-scallion chicken over noodles (薑蔥雞扒撈麵). A pan-fried boneless tender chick…

Ginger-scallion chicken over noodles (薑蔥雞扒撈麵). A pan-fried boneless tender chick…


Ginger-scallion chicken over noodles (薑蔥雞扒撈麵). A pan-fried boneless tender chicken thigh, marinated in Shaoxing rice wine and cooked low + slow in its own fat until the skin is super golden + crispy. Served over noodles (I used Japanese dried wheat noodles here), seasoned with soy sauce and sesame oil, then topped with an addictive scallion-ginger oil sauce. So easy and so much flavor. Head over to @dylanjho’s page for his full recipe of this popular Hong Kong-style dish.



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