Food Minimalist

BBQ Tofu with Roasted Asparagus and Kale Salad . For those of you looking to ta…

BBQ Tofu with Roasted Asparagus and Kale Salad
For those of you looking to ta…


BBQ Tofu with Roasted Asparagus and Kale Salad ??
For those of you looking to take a wee bit of a break from the heavier meals this season OR wanting to get in loads of greens, fiber and protein – I got you covered! ??I know I’m not the only one craving lots of veggies this week ? ??
Roast lightly oiled and seasoned asparagus at 400 degrees F for 12 to 15 min until tender. Press dry a block of organic extra firm tofu and cut into desired shape. In a small saucepan, combine 1/4 cup ketchup, 1 tbsp brown sugar, dash of salt and pepper, 1/4 tsp each garlic and onion powders, and 1 tbsp light soy sauce. Cook at low simmer for 3 min and turn off heat. Pan fry tofu until browned on a few sides, or roll in cornstarch first before frying for an extra crunch as I did here. Add sauce and toss to coat. Serve with kale thats been de-stemmed and massaged with bit of olive or avocado oil and lemon juice. ????
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