Food Minimalist

Fresh ramen noodles tossed with gingery-garlicky scallion oil, soy sauce, chicke…

Fresh ramen noodles tossed with gingery-garlicky scallion oil, soy sauce, chicke…


Fresh ramen noodles tossed with gingery-garlicky scallion oil, soy sauce, chicken and topped with toasted sesame, ground Szechuan pepper and more scallions. Sometimes, you just need a big bowl of carbs and a tasty way to use up all that about-to-wilt scallions and leftover rotisserie chicken pieces.
To make the scallion oil sauce, place sliced scallions (from 3-4 stalks), minced ginger (from a small knob), and crushed 1-2 cloves of garlic in a heatproof bowl. In a small saucepan, heat about ¼ cup of neutral oil over high heat until shimmering/almost smoking. Carefully pour the hot oil into the scallion mixture, stir to combine, set aside and keep warm.
Meanwhile, cook about ½ lb. fresh ramen noodles according to package directions, drain and in a serving bowl, toss with soy sauce to taste. Add in your preferred amount of the warm scallion oil mixture and leftover chicken (or any protein of your choice), top with toasted sesame seeds, ground Szechuan pepper (or white pepper) and more sliced scallions if you’d like. Eat immediately, and serve with chili garlic sauce (the store-bought one with the green lid ?) if you like things spicy!
Pasta bowl is from @food52‘s Five Two dinnerware collection.



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Hatice Demir

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