Food Minimalist

Crispy Artichokes with Creamy Chipotle Dip . Sharing a fun appetizer with these…

Crispy Artichokes with Creamy Chipotle Dip
Sharing a fun appetizer with these…


Crispy Artichokes with Creamy Chipotle Dip ??
Sharing a fun appetizer with these crispy, crunchy artichoke bites. You’ll need a couple bowls and plates, but the process is super fast and simple. These were ready in under 20 minutes ?? They were even a hit with the kiddos!???
2 cups marinated artichokes, drained
Batter (mix thoroughly with fork in bowl):
1/2 cup flour plus water to create thick batter
1 tsp each dried basil and oregano
3/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp garlic powder

Seasoned panko breadcrumbs (1 to 1 1/4 cups)

Chipotle Dip (whisk to combine):
2 tbsp each vegan mayo and sour cream
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1/4 to 1/2 tsp garlic powder to taste
1 chipotle pepper (drained) minced
1/2 tsp sriracha
1 tsp agave
Dash of salt and pepper

Gently lay drained artichokes on towel and pat to remove excess liquid. On a large plate or bowl, pour the panko for later dipping. Using fork or hands, dip an artichoke into batter to coat completely, then press gently into panko. Meanwhile, heat oil in a large pan (about 1/2 cm depth of oil). Once oil is hot (test by dropping some panko in and it will fry), drop artichokes into oil super carefully away from you to prevent splashing. When lightly browned (about 10 to 20 seconds), flip over to brown other side. ????
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