Food Minimalist

EASY HUMMUS RECIPE I don’t know about you, but knowing I have hummus in my frid…

EASY HUMMUS RECIPE  I don’t know about you, but knowing I have hummus in my frid…


EASY HUMMUS RECIPE ✨ I don’t know about you, but knowing I have hummus in my fridge just makes me feel more relaxed about life. The perfect quick snack or sandwich topper, and so incredibly easy to make at home ?? I’m sharing my basic garlic hummus recipe, but feel free to add anything else that you like- I usually add sundried tomatoes, olives, or beets for delicious flavor ✨.
The primary ingredient in hummus is chickpeas, which pack a protein punch, but are also high in fiber, plant-based iron, calcium and magnesium ? Tahini makes hummus even more delicious and satisfying, and boosts the iron and calcium even more! ✨.
To make:
Add 1 drained and rinsed can of chickpeas (or 2 cups) to a high speed blender or food processor with 2 heaping tbsp tahini, 1/4 tsp salt, 1 clove of garlic, 1 tbso olive oil, the juice of 1 lemon, and enough water to blend. Blend on high until completely smooth and enjoy! ✨



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Hatice Demir

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