Food Minimalist

Curry fried rice with shrimp and pineapple, a mouthwatering + flavorful way to u…

Curry fried rice with shrimp and pineapple, a mouthwatering + flavorful way to u…


Curry fried rice with shrimp and pineapple, a mouthwatering + flavorful way to use up any leftover rice and pineapple, all in one Thai-inspired dish. ???Just make sure you mise en place all the ingredients before you begin cooking because this dish comes together super quickly. This recipe uses about 3 cups of cooked jasmine rice, from 1 cup uncooked. Serves 2-ish.
Heat some neutral oil in a wok (or well-seasoned cast iron pan) on med-high heat until very hot and slightly smoking. Stir-fry 1lb. peeled and deveined shrimp until they just turn pink, about 2 min. Remove from heat and set aside. Add in a touch more oil and stir-fry your preferred amount of minced ginger, garlic, cilantro stem (if using), sliced scallion whites, 1-2 tsp of curry powder and 1 Tbsp of red curry paste for about a minute or so, until very fragrant. Keep stirring to prevent burning.
Add in the leftover rice, break up any clumps ahead of time or with a spatula in the wok. Toss and mix well with the curry-aromatics mixture for about a minute or two. Push the rice to one side, add a bit more oil to the wok and stir in two eggs, scrambled. When they are mostly cooked, mix the rice into the eggs. Season with either fish sauce, soy sauce or salt to taste. Keep tossing and stirring to combine everything.
Return the cooked shrimp back into the wok and combine well with the seasoned curry fried rice until warmed through. Drizzle in some toasted sesame oil and add in a cup of chopped fresh pineapple (or your preferred amount). Toss to combine well. Divide between serving bowls and top with tender cilantro leaves (if using), sliced scallion greens, ground white pepper + toasted sesame seeds. Serve with lime wedges, hot sauce, and more sesame oil at the table.
Stoneware bowl is from @food52’s Five Two dinnerware collection. Find them at the link in my bio!



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Hatice Demir

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