Vegan Meals

Creamy vegan pasta sauce by @therawboy.⁣ .⁣ . ⁣ FOLLOW @ChubbyVeganGirls for mo…

Creamy vegan pasta sauce  by @therawboy.⁣
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FOLLOW @ChubbyVeganGirls for mo…


Creamy vegan pasta sauce ? by @therawboy.⁣
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???FOLLOW @ChubbyVeganGirls for more vegan recipes!???⁣
2 cups of lentil pasta (cook pasta according to package)⁣
about 1 cup of white potatoes (boiled)⁣
70g of boiled carrots⁣
50g of boiled sweet corn⁣
3 tablespoons of nutritional yeast⁣
25g of boiled onions⁣
1/4 cup of tapioca flour⁣
salt and pepper to taste⁣
1/4 tsp of turmeric⁣
1/2 tbsp of garlic powder⁣
about 1/2 cup of the water you used to boiled your veggies⁣
Blend all ingredients except for the pasta! Optional ingredients used: vegan parmesan and chipotle powder⁣
? Music by Dj Quads⁣
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