Vegan Meals

Chocolate Cookie Dough Ice Cream by @thetastyk A masterpiece dessert that’s both…

Chocolate Cookie Dough Ice Cream by @thetastyk A masterpiece dessert that’s both…


Chocolate Cookie Dough Ice Cream by @thetastyk A masterpiece dessert that’s both vegan and glutenfree⠀
???FOLLOW @ChubbyVeganGirls for more vegan recipes!???⁣⁣⁣⠀
.⁣⁣⁣⠀ —•—Ingredients—•—⠀
Ice Cream:⠀
1 15oz (400ml) can full-fat coconut milk⠀
1 1/3 cup cashews, soaked overnight⠀
1/8 cup coconut oil, melted⠀
1/4 cup maple syrup⠀
1 tsp vanilla extract⠀
Cookie Dough:⠀
1/4 cup peanut butter⠀
2 Tbsp maple syrup⠀
1 tsp vanilla extract⠀
1/2 cup almond flour⠀
20g @ichoc_vegan_chocolate Choco Cookie, roughly chopped⠀
40g @ichoc_vegan_chocolate Choco Cookie, roughly chopped⠀
1. The night before, place your ice cream churning bowl in the freezer and soak your cashews overnight in water.⠀
2. Add all ice cream ingredients to a high-speed blender and blend until creamy. Pour the mixture into a glass bowl and chill in the freezer for 1.5 hours⠀
3. Scoop the chilled mixture into your ice cream maker and churn according to manufacturer’s instructions – about 20-30 minutes until it reaches the consistency of soft serve. ⠀
4. In the meantime, make your cookie dough. Add the peanut butter, maple syrup and vanilla to a bowl and whisk together. Add in the flour and chocolate chunks and combine until you have a sticky dough ball.⠀
5. Once the ice cream is thick like soft serve, add in 3/4 of the cookie dough, crumbling it with your hands as you add it in. ⠀
6. Transfer to a freezer-safe container and sprinkle the remaining bits of cookie dough and chocolate chunks on top for extra texture. Freeze for at least 2-4 hours or until firm before serving.⠀
7. Set out for 15-20 minutes before serving to soften. Will keep for up to 1 week, though best when fresh.⠀
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