Food Minimalist

Chickpea pancake serving as a blank canvas for a hodgepodge of leftover bits and…

Chickpea pancake serving as a blank canvas for a hodgepodge of leftover bits and…


Chickpea pancake serving as a blank canvas for a hodgepodge of leftover bits and almost-forgotten produce for a quick weeknight dinner: charred scallions, avocado, crisped-up pieces of smoked pork hock (can substitute with bacon/ham or omit altogether to make it vegetarian). Douse everything with lemon, roasted butternut squash seed oil (or olive oil), top with crunchy sea salt + chili pepper flakes and my ultimate favorite, a fried egg. A dish that works well for breakfast, lunch, or dinner–feel free to adapt and substitute produce + protein ingredients.
Chickpea pancake, slightly adapted from @moroccochris’s recipe (makes 2): Whisk ½ cup chickpea flour with ½ tsp. turmeric + curry powder each, ½ cup water, and 1 Tbsp olive oil. Let sit for at least 15 minutes. Heat olive oil over med-high in a nonstick or cast iron pan, add half of the pancake batter and tilt skillet so it spreads out into a relatively thin pancake. Cook until golden underneath, about 2-3 minutes. Carefully flip and cook the other side for about a minute more. Transfer to a serving plate and repeat with the remaining batter.



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