Food Minimalist

CHICKPEA MASH Super simple lunch today of chickpea mash on toast with a side of …

CHICKPEA MASH Super simple lunch today of chickpea mash on toast with a side of …


CHICKPEA MASH✨ Super simple lunch today of chickpea mash on toast with a side of cucumber. This is one of my easy go-to lunches when I’m having a busy day at work and need something super quick but nourishing. It ticks all the boxes for me- full of fibre (chickpeas + whole wheat toast), protein (again, chickpeas + toast), fat (vegan mayo), carbs (toast), veggies + flavour ?? Whats your go-to easy lunch?! ✨.
Chickpea mash recipe (lightly) adapted from @ohsheglows ??:
rain and rinse 1 can of chickpeas. In a large bowl, mash with a potato masher or back of fork until mostly mashed. Mix in 4 stalks of diced celery, 1/2 diced red pepper, 1/4 diced red onion, the juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 tbsp vegan mayo, 1/2 tbsp mustard, 1 tbsp relish, 1 tsp garlic powder + 1/2 tsp black pepper. Mix to combine, then serve on your favourite toast, with crackers or as a salad topper! ?



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