Vegan Meals

Check out this video from @mymeatlessmeals in collaboration with⠀ @chefcharitymo…

Check out this video from @mymeatlessmeals in collaboration with⠀


Check out this video from @mymeatlessmeals in collaboration with⠀
@chefcharitymorgan ????⠀
• 1/2 tbs avocado oil⠀
• 100 g onion, thinly sliced⠀
• 1 tbs chopped garlic⠀
• 150 g carrot, shredded • 200 g fresh pineapple, cubed⠀
• 1 tbs curry powder⠀
• 2 tbs soy sauce* for a more authentic alternative for fish sauce- check out Chef Charity’s suggestions on the website!⠀
• 2 cups day old brown rice, refrigerated⠀
• 1/8 tsp black salt⠀
• 1/2 tsp black pepper⠀
• handful of chopped green onions, Thai holy basil leaves, and cilantro • 1 tsp fresh lime juice⠀
1. Sauté onion in avocado oil just to sweat it before adding garlic, followed by shredded carrot.⠀
2. Continue to cook for s few minutes before adding pineapple chunks.⠀
4. Sauté everything together and add curry powder, followed by soy sauce or vegan fish sauce. ⠀
5. Toss everything until fully coated and nicely seared before adding cold, cooked brown rice. ⠀
6. Add green onions, Thai holy basil leaves, and cilantro and fold everything together. ⠀
7. Once the fried rice comes together and smells amazing- turn off the heat and finish off with fresh lime juice to elevate the existing flavours.⠀
8. Indulge. ??




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