Food Minimalist

Caramelized ginger + charred scallion fried rice, topped with more scallions, sh…

Caramelized ginger + charred scallion fried rice, topped with more scallions, sh…


Caramelized ginger + charred scallion fried rice, topped with more scallions, shichimi togarashi, sesame seeds, sesame oil, and a fried egg. A super easy and delicious way to use up any scallion, ginger and leftover rice that may have been lingering in your fridge for a bit too long.
Cut up a small knob of peeled ginger into thin slivers and slice a few scallions. Set aside separately. In a carbon steel or cast iron pan, heat up some neutral oil on medium-high heat until almost shimmering. Add in the ginger and cook until aromatic and slightly golden brown, about 2 min or so. Transfer ginger to a plate, reserving oil. Add scallions and cook undisturbed for a couple minutes until slightly charred and fragrant, stir it a couple times to wilt everything and transfer to the same plate as the ginger.
Reduce heat to medium, add a bit more oil if needed and add in your preferred amount of leftover cooked rice. Use a wet spatula and flatten the rice against the pan to get it kinda crispy. The water on the spatula will prevent too much rice from sticking to it. Season rice with salt and cook until rice is completely warmed through and some parts on the bottom are golden-ish and look crispy. Pile the reserved ginger and scallions on top of the rice, toss everything together to combine and add on some sesame oil. Toss again and transfer to a bowl or plate. Top with shichimi togarashi, toasted sesame seeds, and a fried egg for some protein. (Or add some chili oil if you like things spicy). Enjoy!



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Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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