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Butternut squash Mac+Cheeze with roasted+spiced chickpeasWho says you can’t get …

Butternut squash Mac+Cheeze with roasted+spiced chickpeasWho says you can’t get …


?Butternut squash Mac+Cheeze with roasted+spiced chickpeas?Who says you can’t get your veggies deliciously?!Honestly. I ate way too much! (I love adding miso to my Mac+Cheeze sauces, but if you don’t have any, it’s ok to leave it out.)
?Recipe: Recipe: Soak 1 cup raw cashews in hot water for 15 minutes. Peel and cut 1 butternut squash into about 1-inch cubes (or use 1- bag frozen and defrost). Toss cubes with olive oil, salt and black pepper. Bake at 400F on lined sheet until soft, about 30 minutes. Meanwhile, sauté 1 chopped yellow onion (medium dice) until translucent, about 5-7 minutes. Add 2 large slices garlic cloves and cook another minute. Transfer to blender with approximately 1-1/2 cups of the cooked butternut squash, 1 cup soaked cashews, 2 tbsp nutritional yeast, 1 tsp garlic powder, 1-1/2 tsp smoked paprika, 1/4 cup unsweetened soy/almond milk, 3/4 cup water, 1/2 tbsp tamari or soy sauce. Mix 2 tsp yellow/mellow miso in 1 tbsp water until nearly dissolved. Add to blender. Blend all ingredients on high until smooth. Return to saucepan add desired amount of cooked pasta. Heat on low while mixing and add a little water until desired consistency. Mix in roasted chickpeas.
?Roasted chickpeas: Drain and rinse 1-15oz can chickpeas. Rub between paper towels to dry. (Optional: Toss chickpeas in a little olive oil before adding the spices.) Rub chickpeas with generous amount of seasoning (options include: paprika, smoked paprika, ancho chili, chipotle, cayenne, garlic powder, onion powder and/or chili powder.) Add salt to taste. Roast at 400F until crispy (about 20 minutes).



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