Food Minimalist

Bowl of goodness for a light and super tasty meal Ringing in Friday with lots o…

Bowl of goodness for a light and super tasty meal  Ringing in Friday with lots o…


Bowl of goodness for a light and super tasty meal ??? Ringing in Friday with lots of colors and of course my favorites: hummus, tahini drizzles and avocado. ?? Also with new family favorite, steamed green beans. As well as hemp seeds, mini peppers, bloobs, and portabella mushroom. Recipe below for the dressing. ? This weekend, I’ll be continuing the major sorting and tidying that I started a few weeks ago around the house. ?? It’s getting addictive, guys! Inspired by some friends and the book by Marie Kondo on The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. The book is SO inspiring to do some serious consideration of the items in your house and is awesome!! The amount of things I’ve been able to let go of, not to mention the new-found space and calm, has been amazing. Perfect as we head into the new year ??
Dressing: whisk together 1/3 cup tahini, 2-3 T water, juice half lemon, 1 T red wine vinegar, generous dash kosher salt / pepper / garlic powder / sriracha, and 2 teaspoons maple syrup ??
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Hatice Demir

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