Vegan Meals

blueberry nice cream | wild blueberries, grapes, sunflower butter, hemp seed, pu…

blueberry nice cream | wild blueberries, grapes, sunflower butter, hemp seed, pu…


blueberry nice cream | wild blueberries, grapes, sunflower butter, hemp seed, pumpkin seeds, cacao nibs..By @hannah__chia
happy monday!
to make the nice cream just blend frozen bananas and blueberries (2-3 bananas + 1/2 c frozen berries per serving) until it forms a thick, creamy consistency (no liquid necessary if you use a food processor— see my story!) i often add a handful of spinach/baby greens as well. top with a spoonful of nut butter, nuts+seeds, and granola to fortify with those healthy fats/proteins



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