Vegan Meals

Banana-berry smoothie bowl with coconut chia pudding “still my favourite breakf…

Banana-berry smoothie bowl with coconut chia pudding  “still my favourite breakf…


Banana-berry smoothie bowl with coconut chia pudding ❤️ “still my favourite breakfast ? .”- By @barbarasjourney⠀
For the smoothie you need: ⠀
2 bananas ⠀
1 hand full frozen raspberries ⠀
1 tsp beetroot powder ⠀
A little water⠀
For the coconut chia pudding:⠀
4 tbsp chia seeds ⠀
1/2 cup coconut milk⠀
1/2 cup oat milk ⠀
1 tbsp agave syrup ⠀
1 tbsp shredded coconut ➡️Mix everything together and stir well a few times for the first 10 minutes. Put it in the fridge overnight. (Lasts me for about two smoothie bowls) .⠀
Hope you all have a fantastic day! .



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