Food Minimalist

Baked “Honey” Mustard Tofu Tenders remember these? I’ll share the ‘honey’ musta…

Baked “Honey” Mustard Tofu Tenders  remember these? I’ll share the ‘honey’ musta…


Baked “Honey” Mustard Tofu Tenders ? remember these? I’ll share the ‘honey’ mustard sauce below!

The Baked Tofu Tenders are from my Vegan Kitchen eBook while I adapted the “Honey” Mustard Sauce recipe from @itslivb’s SAUCY! eBook (one of my favourites at the moment) and both of our eBooks are in the Vegan Bundle, that has a total of 90 hand-picked vegan eBooks!

Our 2 eBooks combined are already valued at over $25 USD so by adding another $25, you get 88 more eBooks ??. The total value of all 90 eBooks in the bundle is over $1900 USD!

So yes, you can get all 90 Vegan eBooks (including my own and Liv’s) for ONLY $50 USD by tapping the link in my bio or heading on to ???.??/??????-???-?????. I plant 2 trees ?? for every sale with @onetreeplanted to support their reforestation projects and give back to Mother Earth.

You have a little less than 2 DAYS LEFT to get the bundle! ✨ afterwards, this offer is never coming back and all eBooks will go back to their original prices.

Anyway, here’s the sauce recipe: “Honey” Mustard Sauce
Makes around 1/2 cup

1/4 cup maple syrup or other liquid sweetener
1/4 cup mustard (I used a mix of dijon and regular yellow mustard)
1/4 tsp salt, or to taste
1/4 tsp ground pepper
2 tbsp canola or other neutral oil

1. Mix everything together in a bowl until smooth! Feel free to adjust the seasoning based on your desired taste. Keep in an air-tight container and refrigerate until ready to use.
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