Vegan Meals

Baked Eggplant Parm My goal for these guys was to make them easy & breezy, with …

Baked Eggplant Parm My goal for these guys was to make them easy & breezy, with …


Baked Eggplant Parm ???My goal for these guys was to make them easy & breezy, with no frying & no mess. It all happened except the mess part. ??‍♀️I microwaved the eggplant slices prior to breading & baking. Why you ask? Because microwaving is the quickest & best way to remove water & air from the eggplant resulting in better flavor & texture. No need to salt & wait till it sweats??ohhhhh yeahhh . Enjoy??? and TGIF ???
What you need: 1 eggplant (about 1 lb),1/2 cup flour, 1 tbl corn starch, 3/4 cup carbonated (sparkling) water, 1/2 cup panko, 1/4 cup + 2 tbl nutritional yeast, 1 tbl olive oil 1 tbl lemon zest, 2 tsp oregano, 1 tsp crushed red pepper, 1/4 cup chopped parsley, salt/pepper
What you Do:
1️⃣ For the Eggplant: cut the length in 1/2 in sliced rounds. Season lightly with sea salt/ pepper. Place slices on a microwave safe plate, line with a kitchen towel, top with another towel & plate. Repeat layering again to add the rest of eggplant slices. Heat on high for 3-5 min. When done, press to get the remaining moisture/dry.
2️⃣Set up breading stations: one bowl with flour, cornstarch, & carbonated (sparkling) water mixed well. The other bowl with the remaining ingredients mixed well. Dip eggplant one at a time into wet mix & then dredge into panko. Place on parchment lined baking sheet
3️⃣Bake at 425 F for 20-30 min till golden & crispy, flipping half way through. I served my eggplant with fresh herbs & warmed Marinara.



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