Vegan Meals

Avocado Brownies by @thecookingyam⠀ Headover to her page for loads of deliciousl…

Avocado Brownies by @thecookingyam⠀
Headover to her page for loads of deliciousl…


Avocado Brownies by @thecookingyam⠀
Headover to her page for loads of deliciously healthy recipes!⠀
#recipe ?⠀
2 small avocados (weighing a total of around 200g)⠀
20g cocoa powder⠀
4 tbsp honey⠀
1tsp vanilla essence⠀
150g wholemeal plain flour⠀
1tsp bicarbonate of soda⠀
1tsp apple cider vinegar⠀
200ml almond milk⠀
Pinch salt⠀
10g melted dark chocolate to top⠀

Mash or blend the avocado until a smooth paste is formed⠀
Add in the wet ingredients (except for the milk) and mix. Then do the same with the dry ingredients.⠀
Add the milk a little at a time and continue to mix until a smooth batter is formed⠀
Bake in a lined deep baking tray for 25mins at 200degC until the top is firm. Note that the top will colour very quickly, but it won’t be burning and still may not be cooked! Ensure that a knife can be inserted then removed with only a little of the brownie mixture on (you still want it to be a bit gooey, remember!)⠀
Allow to cool on a wire rack, then divide into 12 portions and enjoy!



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