Pratik Tarifler

Assisting cooking for 150 kids is quite an experience. A good one. Check out my …

Assisting cooking for 150 kids is quite an experience. A good one. Check out my …


?Assisting cooking for 150 kids is quite an experience. A good one. Check out my story to see what I’ve been up to.?.
.?crispy tofu with garlicky cauliflower rice and special sauce!?.Gluten free.
?For sauce, whisk 1.5 tbsp toasted sesame oil, 1/4c low sodium gluten free Tamari, 2-3 tbsp maple, 1/2tsp garlic hot sauce, 2.5 tbsp almond butter. (I like to pour this sauce on top at service, but you can also use it to marinate tofu cubes before stir frying.)?.
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