Food Minimalist

A mix of seafood in a fragrant, flavorful and tangy coconut-red curry broth full…

A mix of seafood in a fragrant, flavorful and tangy coconut-red curry broth full…


A mix of seafood in a fragrant, flavorful and tangy coconut-red curry broth full of aromatics–warming and perfect for this November chill and a possible snow shower later this week! Seafood includes a mix of rockfish, shrimp, and squid. Feel free to replace with your favorite quick-cooking seafood such as clams, mussels, or another type of firm white fish.
In a stock pot, heat some oil on med-high, and sauté some minced ginger, 2 cloves garlic + shallots, along with 1 stalk of lemongrass chopped into 3-4 inch pieces + about 4-6 kaffir lime leaves. Cook until everything is fragrant, about 2-3 minutes, stirring often so the garlic doesn’t burn. Add in about 2-3 Tbsp red curry paste and about ½ tsp brown sugar. Continue to cook for another minute until the curry paste has darkened a bit and things are aromatic. Stir in a 15-oz. can of coconut milk and a splash of fish sauce, mix well with the curry paste and bring to a gentle boil. Then turn heat down as low as you can and simmer the coconut broth for about 15-20 min.
Pluck out the lemongrass + kaffir lime leaves, then stir in your preferred seafood + veg. For 2 servings, I used a mix of ¼ lb. of rockfish, ½ dozen shrimp, about ¼ lb. of squid, and a small chopped green pepper–green beans are a great substitute as well. Continue to simmer until everything is cooked through. Right before serving, stir in juice from 1 lime. Taste and add more fish sauce (or salt) if needed. Spoon into two bowls and top with fresh herbs like scallion, cilantro, shiso or basil leaves. Add in thinly sliced hot peppers + raw shallots also, if desired. Serve with more lime at the table and hot white rice as well for a more substantial meal. #f52mains



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Hatice Demir

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