Sweet Deals

Who wants a little strawberry lemon (protein) cream tart? Who has s …

Who wants a little strawberry lemon (protein) cream tart?
Who has s …


Who wants a little strawberry lemon (protein) cream tart?
Who has ever tried protein cream? It's not for every day but it tastes so incredibly tasty! ,
For the tarts you need:
 4 eggs | 50 grams of cream cheese 50 grams of butter | 100 grams of almond flour 1/2 pack baking powder a pinch of lemon peel @spice_bar | 4 tbsp xylitol | And a little something from a tonka bean @spice_bar
Separate the eggs and beat the egg white to a stiff snow. Mix the remaining ingredients into a smooth dough. Carefully fold in the egg whites and bake at 170 ° for 20 min.
For the protein cream 500 ml cream with 2 pck. Whip the cream and let 20 g of protein powder (I had vanilla) pour in!
I had put a little lemon peel on the cream again! ,
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