Sweet Deals

[Werbung] Good Morning!! So what it looks like today is really nice outside …

[Werbung] Good Morning!! So what it looks like today is really nice outside …


[Advertising] good morning !! It looks really nice outside today richtig Do you already have plans for the weekend? I am excited when we can finally inaugurate our new pool! Since the construction was bad weather ?.
[Recipe] blueberry pie
For the ground: .
35 g spelled flour, 15 g cocoa,
1/2 tsp Weinstein baking powder,
1 pinch of salt, 50 g applesauce,
50 ml plant drink,
1 tsp coconut oil.
For the cream:
350 g of low-fat curd cheese, 150 g of blueberry skyr, 3 sheets of gelatin, some sweetener and 100 g of blueberries.
For the floor: ? Put the dry ingredients in a cup and mix well.
Add applesauce, vegetable drink, coconut oil and flav drops and stir until a smooth dough is formed. bake at 180 ° for 20 minutes.
Soak gelatin and sweeten quark with skyr and sweetener. Warm the gelatin briefly in the micro and gradually stir in the curd cheese mass. Add blueberries and fill the mixture into the mold. Put it in the fridge for a few hours. ,
Wish you a nice weekend ?
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