Sweet Deals

[Werbung] Good morning my loves! Weekend yay short and sweet today there are …

[Werbung] Good morning my loves! Weekend yay short and sweet today there are …


[Advertisement] Good morning my dears! Weekend Yay? short and sweet today Qu there are quark cakes. I will show you how the cakes look from the inside in my story. I wish you a great weekend ??. ,
Mix 150 g curd cheese, 65 g spelled melt flakes, 1 egg and 20 g coconut flour. Add a little milk until the dough has a nice but firm consistency. Add 5 g baking powder, 1/2 tsp lemon peel @spice_bar and approx. 15 drops of Bisquit Flavordrops @ got7nutrition butter and form small patties with moistened hands Fry heat. Takes a bit until they are through! ,
#eatingsummerparty @_delighted @paulvalentinee
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