Sweet Deals

Good morning lovelys! There's nothing like a small cake for breakfast or …

Good morning lovelys! There's nothing like a small cake for breakfast or …


Good morning lovelys! Nothing beats a cupcake for breakfast, does it? Today I have a recipe that I love to bake at home, because it is quick and incredibly tasty?. I like to eat differently and I love variety! Eat really tasty things so often until I can no longer see and taste them ? how is that with you?
Have a wonderful Sunday ??.
Recipe: 25 g wholemeal spelled flour, 35 g instant flakes, 20 g coconut flour, 8 g baking powder, 2 tablespoons of Xucker, a few drops of sponge cake @ got7nutrition, 1 egg + 1 egg white, 150 g yoghurt, 1 good teaspoon of almond butter and a small dash of milk ,
For the sprinkles:
100g oatmeal
150g almonds
2 tbsp virgin coconut oil
3 tbsp maple syrup
a pinch of cinnamon Put the egg, egg white, xucker, yogurt, almond butter, milk and the drops in a bowl and stir gently until frothy with a hand mixer. Carefully fold in the dry, previously mixed ingredients and pour the dough into a form lined with baking paper. I made a few more tk blueberries on the dough. Of course you can also use other fruit … as you would like to have it
Streusel: Mix the oatmeal and almonds in a food processor until they have a flour-like consistency but there are still a few pieces left. Heat the coconut oil, honey and cinnamon in a small saucepan. Spread the sticky mix over the oatmeal and almonds and mix well.
Bake the cake at 180 ° for about 30 min. ,

I got my photo background from @foodyboard.

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