Sweet Deals

[Werbung] Good morning and #happyfriday you love! Today there is another B …

[Werbung] Good morning and #happyfriday you love! Today there is another B …


(Advertisement) Good morning and #happyfriday you love! Today there is another picture of my strawberry cake! Now it is already June ?☀. Time is running ⏲ Who of you has a birthday in June? I would have THE birthday cake for you.
For the bottom you need: ▫5 eggs▫100 g yogurt ▫6 tablespoons xylitol ▫ pulp of a vanilla pod ▫ 180 g almond flour.
Separate the eggs and beat the egg whites to a stiff snow. Mix the egg yolk with the xylitol until frothy. Stir in the vanilla and yoghurt and mix with the almond flour. Now carefully fold in the egg whites so that the cake becomes fluffy. Fill the mass into a round springform pan with a diameter of 15 cm. Bake at 170 ° C for 45 minutes.
For the filling:
Mix 250 g curd with 150 g Skyr. Allow 2 sheets of gelatin to swell and warm. Now stir the curd mixture into the gelatin and fold in with flavdrops Blueberry Muffin @ got7nutrition sweets and 200 g strawberries (chopped). ,

#foodblogliebe #hereismyfood @food #huffposttaste @huffposttaste #beautifullcuisines @beautifulcuisines #thefeedfeed @thefeedfeed #thefeedfeedbaking @ thefeedfeed.baking #sweetcuisines @sweetcuisines #globyfood @food_glooby #foodblogfeedogslovebloodbookblogfeedogsfoodbooking #fit #fitfood #healthyfood #healthy #foodblogger #instafood #swissblogger #eating #foodporn #fitnesslifestyle #instagood #diet # f52grams #lowcarb #cake #kuchen #bake



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