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Vegan spicy ‘tuna’ with miso-edamame-cauliflower rice (Sorry to spam you with m…


?Vegan spicy ‘tuna’ with miso-edamame-cauliflower rice? ? (Sorry to spam you with my sushi again but I’m trying to find my happy styling place! If you saw my last sushi post, please lmk which you like better?.)
?Some kitchen alchemy. I mixed my cauliflower rice with pulsed edamame and miso paste and it came out awesome. I also put some spicy ‘tuna’ (tomatoes) into my rolls. I hope you will try this version as it’s very tasty IMO and super healthy. ❤️Thank you Eliza @jadoresmoothies and Dasha @littlekalegirl for the story mentions.??
?Recipe: Remove stem of 1 small cauliflower head and cut florets only into roughly equal pieces. Pulse in food processor until rice-like. Sauté cauliflower rice in 2 tbsp of neutral flavor oil until cooked/softened. Transfer cauliflower rice to a large bowl. Boil one cup frozen edamame until they soften up a little. Add to food processor along with 2 tbsp mellow miso. Pulse until edamame is shredded and fully combined with miso paste. Mix with cauliflower rice until well incorporated. Use to make sushi. For spicy ‘tuna’, take 2 large Roma tomatoes and concasse-remove skins by making an x at end and boiling for 11 seconds and transferring to ice water for about 30 seconds, then peel from x with paring knife. Cut flesh away from seeds and discard seeds. Cut flesh into thin strips and marinate in mixture of tamari, sriracha and toasted sesame oil.
#vegansushi #cauliflowerrice #edamame #healthyvegan #poweredbyplants #foods4thought #letscookvegan #veganinspo #healthyfoodshare #glutenfreevegan #thrivemags #bestofvegan #feedfeedvegan #nycfoodie #indianmoms #foodblogfeed #wholefoodsfaves #veganfood #veganrecipes #eattherainbow #whatveganseat



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