Sweet Deals

utes morning you love. Everyone knows the classic in the Advent season: vanilla …

utes morning you love.
Everyone knows the classic in the Advent season: vanilla …


utes morning ♥.
Everyone knows the classic in the Advent season: vanilla kipper! I love you! ?
Do you have favorite cookies? Or is there someone who does not eat? ?. I wish you a great weekend ?. Recipe:
250 g flour
210 g of butter
100 g of ground almonds
80 g of sugar
2 Pck.Vanillezucker

To turn:
1 pck.powder sugar
2 Pck.Vanillezucker

Knead the ingredients for the dough well together. Then wrapped in foil put 60 minutes in the refrigerator.
In the meantime, sift the icing sugar into a bowl and mix with two packets of vanilla sugar.
Form long rolls from the dough, cut them into pieces with a knife and shape the pieces into cubes and place them on a sheet of baking paper. The Kipferl 20 min. Bake at 175 °. Then place in the kipferl in the prepared powdered sugar mixture and turn caution from all sides.
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