Sweet Deals

Time for:  OVERNIGHT OATS At the moment my favorite breakfast …

Time for:
At the moment my favorite breakfast …


Time for:
At the moment my favorite breakfast is simply super practical. Prepared in the evening and eaten the next morning. It doesn't get any better than that, can it? So now we're going to the pediatrician again! Wish you a good start to the day

40 g oatmeal,
120 ml coconut milk,
½ teaspoon chia seeds, 1 teaspoon Forever Ultra, ½ teaspoon poppy seeds.
Top with pineapple pieces and coconut chips.
Depending on whether you prefer a firm consistency with pithy oatmeal or a pulpy variant, you can use more or less milk.
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# foods4thought #onthetable #ananas # breakfast #breakfast #instafood # f52grams #foreverultra #overnightoats



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