Food Minimalist

This Tofu Katsu recipe never gets old and is still one of my favourite ways to c…


This Tofu Katsu recipe never gets old and is still one of my favourite ways to cook tofu. So many of you have also tried this one too and I love seeing your creations! ✨ I’ll share the recipe below!

I had this Tofu Katsu with Japanese Curry and rice, which is just one of the ways you can enjoy yours. I used S&B curry cubes (you can find the exact one I use on my blog under the ‘essentials’ tab) and just added some potatoes, bell peppers, and carrots. ? here’s the katsu recipe:

Tofu Katsu
(Makes 2)
1 240g block fresh extra firm tofu
1/4 tsp salt, or to taste*
Canola or other neutral oil, for frying (*Note: feel free to adjust the seasoning as needed. I had mine with curry sauce, which was already flavorful so I didn’t want the dish to be too salty)

1/4 cup flour
1/2 tbsp + 1 tsp cornstarch
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup room temp. water

1 cup japanese breadcrumbs, or more as needed

1. Drain water from the tofu by wrapping them in paper towels and then placing a heavy flat surface (a board or plate) on top of each. Leave for 15 minutes until water has been absorbed by the towels.
2. Slice each tofu into two 3/4-inch thick square slabs. Sprinkle with salt as needed.
3. Prepare the batter by mixing all the ingredients until smooth. This will be a really thick batter. In another plate or tray, add the breadcrumbs.
4. Place each tofu in the batter then coat into the breadcrumbs. Repeat this step for the rest of the tofu.
5. Heat the oil in a frying pan. Once hot (you can test this by putting a little bread crumbs), add in the tofu. Fry for around 6-8 minutes over medium heat until golden brown. Take out of the oil then turn off the heat.
6. Let cool for 5-8 minutes then slice diagonally into strips

Other ways you can enjoy your tofu katsu:
1 – Katsu Sushi Sandwiches
2 – Japanese-Style Katsudon

Direct recipe links ??

OR tap the link in my bio and check out ’Favourite Tofu Recipes’

#thefoodietakesflight #asian#asianfood #tofu #tofurecipe#manila #vegan



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