Food Minimalist

This Mexican-Spiced Adlai recipe is now up on the blog! I also talk about adlai,…

This Mexican-Spiced Adlai recipe is now up on the blog! I also talk about adlai,…


This Mexican-Spiced Adlai recipe is now up on the blog! I also talk about adlai, which is a locally grown crop here in the Philippines. It’s not only really nutritious but it also supports local farmers and communities. Ever since I started researching about locally grown food here in the country for my thesis, I’ve become more aware of the produce I purchase and where they come from. There’s no denying the fact that organic, fair trade, and sustainable produce is more expensive, but it’s more beneficial to our environment and local communities. I can’t say I know where everything I eat is sourced from but I try to be more conscious of the food I buy starting from trying to support more locally produced food that is directly sourced from growers.
The full recipe is on Have a great Sunday, everyone! ✨
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