Food Minimalist

The Dangers of an All-or-Nothing Mindset Today I shared a new blog post talking…

The Dangers of an All-or-Nothing Mindset  Today I shared a new blog post talking…


The Dangers of an All-or-Nothing Mindset ✨ Today I shared a new blog post talking all about what an all-or-nothing mindset is and how to identify it.
✨ ‘I can’t eat chocolate today, I had some yesterday.’ ‘I’ve already eaten a bowl of chips, I might as well eat the whole bag’. ‘I can only eat pizza on the weekend’. Sound familiar?
✨ An all-or-nothing mindset surrounding food sees food as black or white. Good or bad. Healthy or unhealthy. This often means that we, too, are good or bad if we eat these specific food.
✨ Why might this not be a such a good thing? Seeing food this way has a detrimental impact on both our physical and our mental health. To learn more, check out the link in my bio ? Part two on how to overcome an all-or-nothing mindset will be coming soon!



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Hatice Demir

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