Food Minimalist

Swirly pink frozen smoothie for the last day of GIVEAWAY If you haven’t entere…

Swirly pink frozen smoothie for the last day of  GIVEAWAY  If you haven’t entere…


Swirly pink frozen smoothie for the last day of @coconutbowls GIVEAWAY ?? If you haven’t entered yet, there’s still time. You’ll see the giveaway a couple posts back! The giveaway ends tonight. ?✨
Thanks for all your entries so far, and wishing you all a great weekend ?✨??
This smoothie is a blend of frozen banana, peach, pineapple, and strawberry. Topped with banana, chia seeds and almonds ???
@veganbowls #wellandgoodeats #letscookvegan #thefeedfeed #food52grams #veganfood #whatsonmyplate #eattherainbow #healthfood #healthylifestyle #dairyfree #simplerecipes #plantbasedfood #veganinspo #foodblogfeed #vegan_veganfood #befitfoods #healthyvegan #plantpowered #smoothiebowl #bestofvegan #contemporaryvegan #forksoverknives #glutenfreevegan #yumvegantreats #smoothiebowls #smoothie_planet #smoothierecipes #coconutbowls



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