Sweet Deals

Sweet and salty – Peanut Butter Brownie Bites! , , [Werbung] Good morning you li …

Sweet and salty –
Peanut Butter Brownie Bites! ,
[Werbung] Good morning you li …


Sweet and salty –
Peanut Butter Brownie Bites! ,
(Advertisement) Good morning dear! I hope you all started the new week well ?. I tried something new yesterday that you should definitely try ? sweet and salty is exactly my thing ?. Who would like a piece of it now? #teamerdnussbutter
I wish you a nice day ☺?. 100g almonds, 3 tbsp jungle cocoa for children ? @ koawach, 1 cup pitted soft dates 2 tbsp banana puree. For the peanut butter caramel layer: 1/2 cup peanut butter, 1/3 cup coconut oil,
For chocolate frosting: 200 g chocolate (vegan) chopped 2 tbsp vegetable milk. For the brownie base, put the almonds and cocoa powder in a food processor and mix until they are fine. Add the dates and mix well if it is not yet sticky enough, add a little water. if you put the mixture in a bowl lined with parchment. For the caramel layer made of peanut butter:
Put the peanut butter, coconut oil and salt in a bowl and stir. Pour the caramel over the brownie base, smooth it with a spatula and let it rest in the fridge. Then melt the chocolate for the top. Put the chopped chocolate together with the vegetable milk in a bowl and melt. Then pour over the caramel layer and put in the fridge for about 2-3 hours or in the freezer if it has to be quick schnell.
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#feedfeed #reishunger #koawach



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