Sweet Deals

Apple pie with crumble , , , Good morning dear the recipe is long …

Apple pie with crumble
Good morning dear the recipe is long …


“Apple pie with crumble”
Good morning, dear ones! The recipe is long overdue! I found it by accident in my notebook yesterday – it is not super healthy, but I think now and then you should treat yourself to something!
And I think you agree with me ? I hope ?
I wish you a great day ?.
Recipe for the floor:
250g margarine, 400g flour or spelled flour, vanilla flavor, 1 Msp baking powder
4 tbsp coconut blossom sugar
For the sprinkles
150g flour / spelled, 6 tbsp coconut blossom sugar,
80 g margarine, 2 tsp cinnamon
6 apples, 10 tbsp applesauce.
Mix all the ingredients for the dough, press into a 20 × 30 cm baking dish and prick with a fork.
 Then spread the peeled, cut apples on the floor with cinnamon and a little coconut blossom sugar. The applesauce now comes on the apples, coarsely spread everything.
Then mix all the ingredients for the crumbles and put them on the cake.
 Bake at 190 ° for approx. 45 minutes. ,
. # breakfast cake #cake #cake #delicious # breakfast #balancednotclean #foodblogger #instafood #feedfeed #beautifulcuisines #fit #todayfood #foodblog #foodporn #healthy #recipe #healthy recipes #healthy life #eathealthy #foodblogiebe #backeniststyle #yummy apple #apple cake #veganworldshare



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