Sweet Deals

Strawberry pairfait with chocolate piecesAdvertising | Hello you love. I hope…

Strawberry pairfait with chocolate piecesAdvertising | Hello you love. I hope…


Strawberry pairfait with chocolate pieces

Advertising | Hello you love ?. I hope you had a great weekend? Because they were so delicious, I'll show you my parfait glass of strawberries and chocolate.
Have a nice evening?
200 g (soy) yoghurt
20 grams of grated chocolate
Abrasion of a tonka bean @spice_bar
Butter Biscuit Flavordrops @ got7nutrition
A few strawberries
Mix all ingredients except the strawberries in a bowl, slice the strawberries and press on the edge of the glass. Put the yoghurt in the glass and garnish with strawberries and pieces of chocolate.
With the code Magic5 you save 5% @foodyboard
With Magic10 10% @ got7nutrition
With spicymagic 5 € @spice_bar.
#gesund # breakfast #parfait #gloobyfood #strawberry #fitnessfood #prettyfood #deliciouslyhealthysweets #heresmyfood #thrivemags #befitfoods #desserts #veganfoodspace #feedfeed #healthylifestyle #healthyfoodshare #bestofvegan #veganfoodshare #healthysnack #veganfood #sweettooth #foodblogger #vegetarianfood #berries #beautifulcuisines #foodphotography #veganfoodspace #letscookvegan



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