Food Minimalist

Steak and Eggs with Soy Sauce-Butter and Charred Scallions. ‘Steak and eggs’ are…

Steak and Eggs with Soy Sauce-Butter and Charred Scallions. ‘Steak and eggs’ are…


Steak and Eggs with Soy Sauce-Butter and Charred Scallions. ‘Steak and eggs’ are usually a breakfast or brunch dish but also just as delicious for dinner.
In neutral oil, sear a 1-inch top sirloin steak in a cast-iron pan on high heat, 2 min per side and edges, about 8 min total for medium rare. Remove from heat and rest for about 5-10 min. Fry an egg in the same cast-iron pan and char some scallions or veg if you need greens to complete the meal. Remove from pan, and in the residual heat, melt some butter, add in soy sauce, a little bit of sugar, stir and cook until combined and bubbly. Slice steak, pour sauce over and serve with egg and veg.
Aged top sirloin American Wagyu steak from @snakeriverfarms. ? It’s so juicy and flavorful, keeping the seasoning simple is the best way to enjoy it.
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