Food Minimalist

Simple Creamy Eggplant Vodka Sauce w/ Spinach . Hi Friends! This is my attempt …

Simple Creamy Eggplant Vodka Sauce w/ Spinach
Hi Friends! This is my attempt …


Simple Creamy Eggplant Vodka Sauce w/ Spinach ??
Hi Friends! This is my attempt to brighten up a really dreary week over here, with a delicious sauce to enjoy with your choice of pasta (I used these fun @eatbanza bowties and we all loved it). We have had rain the last couple days and much more rain and wind forecasted for tomorrow…which will make for a very “interesting” trick or treating experience tomorrow for Halloween ? Your fam will not not realize there’s eggplant in here (sssshhhhh)??
1 medium onion finely chopped
1/2 medium eggplant diced
3 tbsp olive oil
5 cloves garlic minced
1 tbsp dried basil
1 tbsp dried oregano
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1 cup diced cherry tomatoes
1/2 cup vodka
1 28 oz. tin crushed tomatoes
2 cups (packed) spinach

Add oil and onions/eggplant to a large pan, stir, cook until onions are translucent and eggplant is softened, about 15 min, stirring often. Add garlic and seasonings, cook another minute. Add cherry tomatoes, cook 5 min. Add vodka and let gently bubble until reduced by half. Add crushed tomatoes, stir, cook at gentle simmer for about 20 minutes partially covered. Carefully blend in batches (extra caution with blending hot sauces). Pour over your pasta and return to pan. Add spinach, let wilt. Add more salt/pepper if desired????
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