Food Minimalist

Savory low-carb scramble for a yummy, hot breakfast With lots of color and flav…

Savory low-carb scramble for a yummy, hot breakfast  With lots of color and flav…


Savory low-carb scramble for a yummy, hot breakfast ?? With lots of color and flavor ?? How was everyone’s weekend?! This one was quick, but aren’t they all? ? I spent it staying on top of the laundry game, cooking some yummy eats on Saturday (including a new curry which I can’t wait to share!), sports and play dates, family birthdays and watching movies. Sounds like so busy, but actually didn’t seem it…was the perfect kind of busy. ?? Not too much, and of the best things. Well… with the exception of laundry, but hey, it’s pretty satisfying to have it done??
This is tofu crumbled and cooked with salt, pepper, garlic powder and turmeric, bell pepper and red onion over medium heat for about 8 to 10 minutes until tofu firms up to your liking, and the peppers are softened. Then, tossed in some black beans, corn, baby spinach and cherry tomato. Topped later with a generous helping of salsa. .
#meatless #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #easyrecipes #dairyfree #tofu #foodblogfeed #plantlife #tastyfood #thefeedfeed #buckscounty #foods4thought #mealplan #momlife #fuelyourbody #dinnerideas #mealprep #forkyeah #wholefood #eatrealfood #healthymama #girlswhocook #vegetarian #bestofvegan #veganfoodshare #healthyfood #thrivemags #cleaneating



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