Food Minimalist

Porcini (king bolete) stems from Skamania, WA–thinly sliced on a mandoline and …

Porcini (king bolete) stems from Skamania, WA–thinly sliced on a mandoline and …


Porcini (king bolete) stems from Skamania, WA–thinly sliced on a mandoline and seared, topped with shaved Parmesan, crunchy sea salt, parsley, a bit of aleppo pepper and a raw farm egg yolk.
In a carbon steel pan, sear and sauté the mushrooms over med-high heat in ghee or grapeseed oil for a couple minutes until golden on one side. Flip, toss and cook for another 30 sec. Transfer to a plate, season and top with sea salt + shaved Parm + minced parsley + pepper + raw egg yolk. Serve the sweet + earthy porcini hot and mix the yolk right in to make a simple creamy “sauce.”
This recipe works well with any wild mushrooms or even regular button mushrooms too, for an easy and classy-ish appetizer or side dish. #f52meatless



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