Food Minimalist

Pan-roasted honeynut squash, chanterelles + shallots tossed with brown butter pa…

Pan-roasted honeynut squash, chanterelles + shallots tossed with brown butter pa…


Pan-roasted honeynut squash, chanterelles + shallots tossed with brown butter pasta and crispy fried sage, topped with some lemon and parmesan to tie everything together. Serves 2-ish
Using leftover roasted squash would make this dish come together in less time. Otherwise, peel, seed and cube a medium honeynut squash and pan-roast in a hot cast iron pan over medium-high with grapeseed oil. Toss occasionally and cook until softened and golden brown, about 10-15 min or so. Transfer to a bowl, set aside and keep warm.
In the same pan over med-high, add a bit more neutral oil and sear a handful or two of chanterelles (sliced in half if large), undisturbed, until lightly browned, checking after 2-3 min. Add in a thinly sliced shallot or super small red onion, sauté everything together and cook for another minute or two until shallot has softened. Remove from heat and keep warm.
In a med-large pot, cook about ½ lb. of your fave pasta according to package directions. Drain and reserve about 1 cup of pasta cooking water. Set pasta aside and wipe pot dry. Return pot to stove over medium heat and add in about 1-2 Tbsp unsalted butter. Stir until melted, keep cooking until things are mildly golden, starting to smell nutty, but not completely brown. Add in a handful of sage leaves and continue to brown the butter while you also fry the sage. After a minute or two, the sage should be pretty crispy. Carefully remove sage from butter and set aside. Turn heat to low, toss in the reserved pasta and mix well with the butter. Add in a splash or more of pasta water if things look dry. Continue to stir to combine the butter with the pasta. Add in the reserved squash and chanterelles mixture, toss until warmed through. Divide between serving plates, top with the reserved fried sage leaves, grated Parm, salt + pepper to taste, and serve with lemon. #f52meatless



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