Food Minimalist

Pan-fried black sea bass fillet and salted cucumbers, topped with chimichurri fo…

Pan-fried black sea bass fillet and salted cucumbers, topped with chimichurri fo…


Pan-fried black sea bass fillet and salted cucumbers, topped with chimichurri for a super quick, simple and flavorful meal. Serve as is, with rice or with your favorite carb!
Thinly slice a couple Persian cucumbers, place in a colander and toss with a couple generous pinches of salt. Let colander sit over a bowl or the sink while you prep the rest of the dish.
Chimichurri sauce: (not a 100% authentic recipe, but still very tasty!) mince a handful of fresh parsley leaves + tender stems and mix with a crushed garlic, your preferred amount of dried chili pepper flakes, about 1 tsp of dried oregano, a glug of olive oil and lots of lemon juice. Stir well, salt and adjust lemon juice to taste. Set aside. Recipe inspired by the inimitable @julesfood .
Fish: Pat dry 2 skin-on fillets of black sea bass or walleye and lightly dust both sides with cornstarch. In a hot large nonstick pan, pan-fry the fillets skin side down in neutral oil over medium-high heat for about 2-3 minutes until the skin is slightly golden underneath. Carefully flip and cook for another minute or less since the fillets are relatively thin. Transfer to serving plates along with the seasoned + softened cucumbers. Spoon the chimichurri sauce all over everything and enjoy.



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Hatice Demir

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