Food Minimalist

Mediterranean Bowl with all the goods . Thoroughly in the holiday mood this week…

Mediterranean Bowl with all the goods .
Thoroughly in the holiday mood this week…


Mediterranean Bowl with all the goods?? .
Thoroughly in the holiday mood this weekend and took out ALL to decorations, watched our local holiday parade, and went to Santaland in NY. Any recommendations for a good holiday movie for tonight? ????
Sharing another one of my lighter favorites today especially with those holiday colors ????
Grilled seasoned tofu (DM me for easy details), cherry tomatoes, fresh dill, kalamata olives, red bell pepper, kale massed in olive oil, and mashed avocado in an easy balsamic vinaigrette: 1/4 cup good olive oil, 2 T balsamic vinegar, 1/4 tsp each salt, garlic powder and pepper, and dash of maple syrup or agave. ?? #eatrealfood #letscookvegan #f52grams #thefeedfeedvegan #veganfood #makeitdelicious #eattherainbow #healthfood #healthylifestyle #makesmewhole #simplerecipes #plantbasedfood #vegansidedish #foodblogfeed #veganthanksgiving #healthytakeout #healthyvegan #plantpowered #mealprep #bestofvegan #contemporaryvegan #forksoverknives #healthypasta #yumvegantreats #vegansrecipe #thenewhealthy #veganbowls #veganvultures #healthysalad



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