Food Minimalist

MEAL PREP One of my goals in the new year was to meal prep/plan more. As someone…

MEAL PREP One of my goals in the new year was to meal prep/plan more. As someone…


MEAL PREP ✨One of my goals in the new year was to meal prep/plan more. As someone who works from home and creates recipes as part of my living, you’d think I have ample time to cook all day, but lunch time is usually a mad-dash, and usually not something I want to deal with cooking in the middle of the day. Because of this, I’ve been implementing meal prep more into my weekly routine. I find that the work day goes by much smoother, and I’m more productive when I know I have lunch and snacks (and sometimes dinner!) planned for the day. To help me with my meal prep journey, I’ve been loving books like Meal Prep is you Superpower by @theyummyplanet, Vegan Slow Cooker by @vegiehead and Prep Like a Chef by @MoreSaltPlease, and 4 Week Vegan Meal Prep by @madeleineshaw in the vegan bundle! ✨.
Here are a few of my biggest tips for meal prep:
✨One pot meals. No one wants to be spending hours in the kitchen meal prepping, so relying on one pot meals like this spicy coconut curry (Vegan Bowls for Vegan Souls pg. 143 in The Vegan Bundle) are perfect.
✨Consider protein, carbs, fat, fibre and flavor. When I’m meal prepping, I want to make sure I’m setting myself up for getting all of the elements of a meal that leave me feeling satisfied and nourished. That’s why I’ll make sure I’ve prepped a source of protein (tofu or roasted chickpeas) carbs (brown rice, sweet potato, quinoa) fat (having tahini, avocado, nuts and seeds on hand), fibre (tons of veggies, either raw or roasted) and flavour! (easy vegan sauces!)
✨Don’t forget snacks! Having quick snacks on hand is so important to me. I love hummus (recipe shown a few posts back), chia pudding, energy balls, or fruit and nut butter!
If you want to up your meal planning and meal prep game, make sure you grab the Vegan Bundle before it’s gone! ✨ There’s several ebooks totally dedicated to vegan meal prep, along with over 3,000 recipes! So you’ll never be out of ideas again. You’ll get 90 ebooks for just $50- that’s 97.5% off! Get it at the link in my bio, or at ✨



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