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Lime-hoisin chickpea stir-fryOk so I’m officially a chickpea chic but there’s n…

Lime-hoisin chickpea stir-fryOk so I’m officially a chickpea chic but there’s  n…


?Lime-hoisin chickpea stir-fry?Ok so I’m officially a chickpea chic but there’s nothing wrong with that! Chickpeas are versatile, delicious and good for you. Those are undeniably good traits to have?. ? Recipe: Lightly blanch 2 small heads broccoli florets (-boil for a couple minutes and run under cold water). ?Make sauce: mix together 2 tbsp fresh lime juice, 3 tbsp hoisin sauce, 1 tbsp finely minced ginger, 1 tbsp vegan Worcestershire sauce (optional- if you have it), maple syrup to taste. ?In a little oil, sauté 1-15oz can chickpeas (rinsed and drained) until crispy and golden. Remove chickpeas and sauté 1 tbsp finely minced ginger with 1 small red chili (minced) for about 1 minute or until fragrant. Add the blanched broccoli and sauté until broccoli starts to char a little. Add back chickpeas and sauce. Heat through. Serve immediately with preferred grain. .



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