Food Minimalist

Lentil Eggplant Bolognese Sauce The kinda spaghetti that you start eating straig…

Lentil Eggplant Bolognese Sauce The kinda spaghetti that you start eating straig…


Lentil Eggplant Bolognese Sauce ??The kinda spaghetti that you start eating straight out of the pan ?? I have a hilarious pic of my kid doing just that ? ?
Sharing a deliciously satisfying spaghetti that is ready in 30 minutes ????
2/3 lb. linguini (or any pasta)
1 medium onion finely chopped
1/2 medium sized eggplant chopped
3 tbsp olive oil
3 cloves garlic minced
2 tsp each dried basil and oregano
1 28 oz. can crushed tomatoes
1 medium sized zucchini sliced + sauteed with 1 tsp oil until lightly browned
1/2 cup marinated artichokes drained (used long stem artichokes)
1 cup cooked lentils
1-2 tsp salt (to taste)
1/2 tsp pepper
Fresh parsley and chili flakes for garnish

Cook pasta to al dente in salted water, drain, drizzle with bit of olive oil, toss. Meanwhile in large pan, add onion, oil, eggplant and cook until soft, around 15 min, stirring often and partially covered. Add garlic, cook 1 min. Add basil, oregano, crushed tomatoes, stir and simmer for 10 min. Add all remaining ingredients and pasta, stir, sprinkle with garnish.



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Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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