Food Minimalist

I know it’s not Fryday BUT these fries with vegan sriracha mayo would be the per…

I know it’s not Fryday BUT these fries with vegan sriracha mayo would be the per…


I know it’s not Fryday BUT these fries with vegan sriracha mayo would be the perfect addition to your 4th of July festivities ✨ This is my first time celebrating 4th of July, and I just got back from a river swim with some friends (which was MUCH needed in this 40 degree heat), and now I’m off to a BBQ! ?? Hope everyone who’s celebrating had an amazing day! ?.
To make ??:
Slice yellow potatoes into fries, toss with 1 tsp garlic powder + salt and pepper to taste. Bake at 450 F for 25 minutes. Meanwhile, whisk together 1 tbsp vegan mayo, 1 tsp sriracha and a squeeze of lime. Serve and enjoy! ✨



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